Silver Shard CNFT Calculator . . .
About our Tokenized Silver Bar Calculator:
Word is spreading that Silver prices might do something really exciting in the market soon!
We made this calculator to mark this big moment in time. It's here to help everyone who works with us to create the wealth building system software that our future here on earth requires.
This simple tool helps you figure out exactly what your investment could be worth, and the current value based on the ever changing price of Pure .999 Silver. We believe it's important to make things clear and easy to understand, especially when we're all working together to create something new and so much better.
This Collection Story . . .
1. We have done something very few DAOs or Enterprises have done ever. We are creating a collection of Ten Thousand (10,000), Individual High End Printable CNFTs in this serialized collection to fund's DAO and in turn support the creation of revolutionary ground breaking software. This will be an amazing benifit to everyone on or off planet.
We will start building the C.B.L.S. Wealth Building System on or around January 2025. It will have a P.O.S. (Point of Sale), system integrated into it. And, there is a Crypto/Token element added into the system to create the Ever Growing Wealth Base. The Utility of the Crypto/Token's used in this system are epic and will go down in Blockchain History as one of the most robust Tokens ever created for the Business Community!
2. This ground breaking idea will create an incremental wealth base under any organization no matter the size, but in this case the old saying applies here because, 'Bigger is always Better,' when it comes to the size of your organization, club, group or business. The actual amount of people doing business with you will directly affect the amount of growth and time it takes for the Wealth Base to climb its way up to the multiple thousands in value.
For this 'Tokenized Silver Bar Art Collection,' we plan to publish several collections of Ten (10), per week until all One Thousand (1000) collections are online.
Enjoy your Printable CNFT Purchase. Thank you!