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NFTs Are Taking The World By Storm And They Are Just What You Need For Your Next Project!

QuantumDrive.io - The Affordable Advantages Of Having A Personal Brand Cryptocurrency!
Author: QuantumDrive.io / ARTICLE / 08/24/2023

Here Is A Free Gift From All Of Us At QuantumDrive.io

We want to show you what we can do for you by first of all sending you one of our Real World Crypto Currencies we have created. If you have a Cardano compatible wallet like Exodus.io or a "hot wallet" on the Cardano Blockchain like Eternl.io then we will send you Eight (8) of Our QuantumDrive.io - Crypto. It does cost us a little to send them and we are fine with that because it is building a wealth system which will be explained below.
-- QuantumDrive.io / Juan Jose Piedra

What are NFTs?

With NFTs we customize everything! Most NFTs include One to Ten Thousand Custom Graphics per collection. Our QuantumDrive.io Designers take your ideas to a beautiful productive collection that others will want and love to look at in their wallets. Now NFTs are used in many ways other than Gaming. A short list looks like this: Art - Fasion - Music - Licenses and Certifications - Events and Ticketing just to name a few.

With blockchain technology exploding in popularity and disrupting hundreds, if not thousands, of industries, new use cases for this fascinating new technology are emerging on a daily basis. One of this industry’s most widely adopted functions is the non-fungible token, otherwise known as an NFT.

For a long time, these specialized digital assets have been one of the fastest-growing sectors in the entire crypto ecosystem, generating a lot of media hype and speculation in the process. However, most people are unaware of how they are generated, their applications, and their societal significance due to their nature. What’s more, people don’t quite know what to make of this trend and whether or not they should participate in the hype or leave it well alone. If this sounds like you, you’ve come to the right place since we’re about to provide you with a complete beginner’s guide to the frequently misunderstood world of NFTs.

"We can do all the parts of an NFT Collection. From concept, design, development to deployment to a specific platform that suits your needs." --- Juan Jose Piedra

What is an NFT?

An NFT (non-fungible token) is a digital asset that can be identified through its unique qualities held within its metadata. Due to the way they are designed and minted, NFTs are unique and cannot be replaced, altered, or changed in any way. Once they have been created, they will be permanently etched on the blockchain’s public ledger for all to see.

The term fungible means that another identical item can replace an item or good with the same value. A good example of this would be the US Dollar. A $1 bill is worth just the same as any other $1 bill. If someone asks you to trade bills, you won’t gain anything, and you wouldn’t lose anything either.

However, that is not the case with NFTs.

If you purchase an NFT, you will be the only person in the entire world to hold that asset – and you can prove it. These attributes lend themselves extremely well to various industries (especially the creative ones).

How do NFTs work?

Time to get a bit more technical. Almost all NFTs function as part of a blockchain. For those unfamiliar with this popular tech, the blockchain is a digital distributed, decentralized, public ledger that functions as a large network. The ledger records transactions on the network, making them publicly visible. In most cases, this builds a trustless system based on verifiable and quantifiable data.

Most NFTs are built upon the Ethereum blockchain, one of the largest and most reputable in the world. This is not to be confused with ETH (Ether), the cryptocurrency used to power the network. On the Ethereum network, the vast majority of NFTs are built using the ERC-721, which gives the token those unique qualities we mentioned earlier.

Currently, NFTs are mostly used to verify ownership of digital goods. As a result, a vast array of business sectors are beginning to adopt this technology, from Nike venturing into selling virtual sneakers to famous art galleries exploring them as an option to validate and verify the ownership and authenticity of digital art.

After you have gotten your
"Personal Brand Cryptocurrency"
up and running what are you going to do with it?

Well we are so glad you asked? We are currently in
the process of creating a Digital Wealth Building
System that lives on the Cardano Blockchain that will
put your new Native Cardano Asset to work in a big way.

Explore the benefits of having your own
Coins/Tokens/NFTs by Contacting Us Today.
- QuantumDrive.io - Juan Jose Piedra -

A brief history of NFTs

Interestingly, the history of NFTs can be traced back to 2012-14, when what is commonly referred to as a “colored coin” was issued on the Bitcoin blockchain. These coins were made into tokens meant to represent real-world assets on the blockchain, merging both the digital and physical worlds. Since then, the technology and potential use cases have become far more sophisticated.

After a few developments and interesting innovations, it wasn’t until 2016, when memes began to enter the blockchain world, that NFTs started to gain traction. Rare Pepes quickly became an internet sensation, and users began to trade them amongst each other using NFT technology in the process. At the tail end of 2021, one of these memes fetched $500k in a sale on NFT marketplace, OpenSea.

In 2017, John Watkinson and Matt Hall, the creators of Larva Labs, created unique characters generated on the Ethereum blockchain. They created 10,000 unique characters in a series called CryptoPunks, and they quickly became a smash hit with digital art collectors. CryptoPunk #7523 seemed to gather a ton of interest, selling for a staggering $11.75 million for one reason or another. However, that certainly wasn’t the first large sale of an NFT.

The list of astronomical sales fees paid for NFTs goes on and on, with the world record being broken on 2nd December 2021, after an NFT titled The Merge was sold for $91.8 million.

Common use cases for NFTs

Art as an NFT

The most obvious use case for NFTs is verifying and validating crypto art. Thanks to their unique identifying capabilities, NFT artists and investors can verify the authenticity of artwork and eliminate the chance of forgery.

Fashion as an NFT

High-end fashion houses are making their way to the NFT scene, selling physical items with digital companions. There are also numerous use cases for fashion and clothing in virtual worlds and augmented reality.

The Metaverse's use of NFTs

The metaverse is a place where NFTs thrive. In these virtual worlds, you can browse, buy, and store NFTs within your very own piece of virtual real estate.

Licenses and Certifications in the NFT world

NFTs lend themself very well to the licensing and certification industry as they can be used to verify university qualifications and other licenses. Once again, this eliminates the possibility of forgery and fraud, which is extremely beneficial to employers and organizations.

Music as an NFT

The music industry has been crying out for disruption for quite some time, and NFTs are offering a genuine solution to many of the age-old problems within the industry. For example, NFT royalties allow artists to reclaim full control over their creative works by receiving 1100% of the royalties owed to them in perpetuity, thanks to the smart contract capabilities within NFTs.

Events and Ticketing as an NFT

The music industry has been crying out for disruption for quite some time, and NFTs are offering a genuine solution to many of the age-old problems within the industry. For example, NFT royalties allow artists to reclaim full control over their creative works by receiving 1100% of the royalties owed to them in perpetuity, thanks to the smart contract capabilities within NFTs.

Gaming and Digital Collectibles in the NFT world

Last but not least, blockchain games and digital collectibles are some of the widely adopted use cases for NFTs. With billions of gamers buying digital goods inside games, NFTs offer a way for players to own their items outside of the encapsulated environment of the game that they purchased the goods in and even offer the possibility of transferring the NFT to be used in a different game/metaverse.

Article Credit: What are NFTs & Graphic Design? https://www.nftgators.com/what-is-an-nft/

Tags: NFTs, Gaming, Music, Licenses and Certifications, The Metaverse, Fashion, Art
Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement and Reward Systems!

Got Clarity DAO?
Here are some compelling reasons to
establish your Decentralized
Autonomous Organization (DAO)
on Cardano right now!

See Why QuantumDrive.io Chose Clarity!

"We Are Living In A New Age For Commerce With DAOs! Because of the changes in the Geo Political Landscape on the planet in today's world, people with great ideas will be able to prosper, mostly without limits, from the Controllers!"

-- Juan Jose Piedra

Here at QuantumDrive.io we believe that entrepreneurship is a critical driver of economic growth and a significant contributor to innovation. Entrepreneurs are individuals who are willing to take on significant risks to create something new and innovative, often starting their own businesses to bring their ideas to market.

By identifying gaps in the market and addressing unmet needs, entrepreneurs create value for consumers and society as a whole. The process of entrepreneurship involves not only the creation of a new business but also the development and execution of a business model, marketing strategy, and operational plan.

Corporations everywhere around the world are dying on the vine and the DAO will replace them all! And the Clarity DAO Community, is leading the way on the only truly secure blockchain on the internet. The Cardano Blockchain!

Entrepreneurship requires a unique set of skills and characteristics, including creativity, determination, and a strong work ethic. Entrepreneurs must be able to think outside the box, identify opportunities, and take calculated risks to achieve their goals. They must also be able to communicate their vision effectively, build a strong team, and manage resources efficiently. Successful entrepreneurs are often those who are able to adapt to changing market conditions, learn from their mistakes, and persevere in the face of adversity.

Entrepreneurship can be a rewarding career path, offering the potential for significant financial gains and personal fulfillment. However, it is not without its challenges and risks. Entrepreneurs must be prepared to work long hours, face uncertainty, and make difficult decisions. They may also face financial challenges, including limited access to capital and the need to generate revenue quickly to stay afloat. Despite these challenges, many entrepreneurs view the risks and challenges of entrepreneurship as an acceptable trade-off for the potential rewards, including the opportunity to build something new, create jobs, and make a positive impact on society.

Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement and Reward Systems.
Author: QunatumDrive.io / ARTICLE / 07/2024

Key Takeaways
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and a Corporation are both organizational structures, but they have several very important key differences:
  • Ownership and Control: In a DAO, decisions are made collectively by the community of token holders through smart contracts. In a Corporation, decisions are typically made by a small group of shareholders or a board of directors.
  • Funding: DAOs are often funded through crowdfunding or token sales, while Corporations usually raise funds through share issuance or loans.
  • Regulation: DAOs operate in a decentralized and largely unregulated space. Corporations, on the other hand, are subject to various legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Transparency: DAOs are usually transparent and open-source, while Corporations can have varying levels of transparency.
  • Change of Control: In a DAO, control is distributed and can't be easily changed. In a Corporation, control can be changed through share acquisitions or board decisions.
  • Risk and Reward: In a DAO, rewards are typically tied to the performance of the DAO itself. In a Corporation, rewards are usually in the form of dividends or capital gains from share ownership.

Key Characteristics Of A DAO:
A DAO is commonly defined by these four characteristics:
  • Decentralized: DAOs are not controlled by a single entity or government.
  • Autonomous: The organization operates independently, without human intervention.
  • Governed by Smart Contracts: The rules and decisions are encoded in a computer program.
  • Blockchain-Based: The organization’s transactions and decisions are recorded on a blockchain.
A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) . . .

Is an organization that operates without a central authority, governed by a set of rules encoded in a computer program. This program, also known as a smart contract, is used to manage the organization’s decision-making process and finances through a blockchain.
-- QuantumDrive.io / Juan Jose Piedra"

Why Are Entrepreneurs Important?
Entrepreneurship is indeed a vital resource in production, along with land/natural resources, labor, and capital. Entrepreneurs identify opportunities, take risks, and mobilize resources to create value. They develop business plans, hire labor, secure financing, and provide leadership, ultimately contributing to economic growth and innovation.

The term "entrepreneur" originates from the French verb "entreprendre," meaning "to undertake." Classical and neoclassical economists often overlooked entrepreneurs in their models, assuming perfect information and rationality. It wasn't until the mid-20th century that economists like Schumpeter, Knight, and Kirzner began to formally incorporate entrepreneurship into economic theory, recognizing the importance of risk-taking and innovation.

The contributions of these three influential economists in shaping the theory of entrepreneurship. Joseph Schumpeter emphasized the role of entrepreneurs in driving economic development through innovation. Frank Knight focused on the entrepreneur's role in bearing uncertainty and the impact on risk premiums in financial markets. Israel Kirzner, on the other hand, viewed entrepreneurship as a process of discovering and acting upon opportunities, further enriching our understanding of this vital economic concept.

Today, entrepreneurs commonly encounter several significant challenges while building their companies. Among the most daunting are navigating bureaucracy, recruiting top talent, and securing financing.

The DAO Killed the Corporation! Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement & Reward Systems!

The DAO Killed the Corporation! Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement & Reward Systems!

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) concept was introduced in early 2016 by Christoph Jentzsch. It's a method of raising funds for projects through blockchain-based crowdfunding. The DAO created by Jentzsch became a significant success, raising around US$150 million from over 11,000 participants, making it the largest crowdfund at that time.

A DAO is characterized by its decentralized nature, autonomy, governance by smart contracts, and blockchain-based transactions.

"This Matrix we live in is Broken! Humanity is
moving into the Age of Aquarius where Prosperity & Abundance Abound!"
"Stand In Your Sovereignty, Live Your Dreams NOW!"

-- Juan Jose Piedra

"If you don’t have a plan,
you become part of
somebody else’s plan."

-- Terrence McKenna

"Today's global shifts empower innovators
to flourish beyond conventional constraints
and power structures."
"Stand In Your Sovereignty, Live Your Dreams NOW!"

-- Juan Jose Piedra

We are QuantumDrive.io, partners with PowerProWeb.com and our attention to detail has gotten us a great reputation for achievng perfection. PowerProWeb.com's work has produced an estimated 100 million dollars for our clients over the last 30 plus years.


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