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Your Personal Brand Cryptocurrency!

QuantumDrive.io - The Affordable Advantages Of Having A Personal Brand Cryptocurrency!
Author: QunatumDrive.io / ARTICLE / 08/24/2023

Here Is A Free Gift From All Of Us At QuantumDrive.io

We want to show you what we can do for you by first of all sending you one of our Real World Crypto Currencies we have created. If you have a Cardano compatible wallet like Exodus.io or a "hot wallet" on the Cardano Blockchain like Eternl.io then we will send you Eight (8) of Our QuantumDrive.io - Crypto. It does cost us a little to send them and we are fine with that because it is building a wealth system which will be explained below.
-- QuantumDrive.io / Juan Jose Piedra

I Want To Clairify What I Mean By "A Personal Brand Crypto"
Well if you think about it, most people alive today with businesses or an idea of one, is already a highly trained Brand Ambassador for none other than who YOU see In the mirror every day! Just look at your typical day. You go about all of your waking moments, when you are with others, promoting yourself. The things you say and do are a statement about what others can expect when they interact with you. And we can't leave out Social Media Platforms. More times than not we look way better in our profile pic that we do in person. So from that perspective read what I have written and think about your life and how it would be differrent if you had your own personal crypto on your phone that you can share with anyone you would like. When they look at their crypto wallet on their phone after you have given some of your crypto to them they will see a picture that was designed just for you and who you are. Pretty Freaking Cool if you ask me.

Cryptocurrencies are virtual forms of money. One definition of Virtual as in the Websters Dictionary is, being on or simulated on a computer or computer network. A "Personal Crypto" is your own cryptocurrency created and used by you for your own personal needs, wants and desires.

"We Are Living In A New Age For Commerce With DAOs! Because of the changes in the Geo Political Landscape on the planet in today's world, people with great ideas will be able to prosper, mostly without limits, from the Controllers!" --- Juan Jose Piedra

It could be for your hobby or small business. If you understand that the world is going through a sizable financial crisis. The USD will soon be divested by most of the countries on the planet. The NY Times published a story titled "What to Know About the 6 Nations Invited to Join BRICS". The BRICS Union was just 5 countries that wanted to put the US dollar down like a wounded animal and now as of August 23rd 2023 in this article there will be 6 more joining in 2024. There would then be 11 countries in this group that would then represent 40% of the worlds population and one quarter of the worlds GDP.

I felt it was important for me to put this information here so as to validate for you what I see happening in the very near future concerning our money and the state finiancial affairs in the world, how we use money and try to help you see this is not a trend. This is happening NOW!

I also put some links at the bottom of this article so you can be informed if you did not already know about these worldwide happenings.

How Would I Benifit From Having My Own Personal Crypto Curriency?

First of all and foremost. Central Banks and/or Governments can't take your crypto away!

Remember what happened in Cyprus in March 2013? The Central Bank wanted to take back uninsured deposits larger than $100,000 to help recapitalize itself, causing huge unrest in the local population. It originally wanted to take a percentage of deposits below that figure, eating directly into family savings. That can’t happen with cryptocurrency/bitcoin. You own decentralized currency. No central authority has control, and so a bank can’t take it away from you. For those who find their trust in the traditional banking system unraveling, that’s a big benefit.
  • Fraud: Cryptocurrencies are digital and cannot be counterfeited or reversed arbitrarily by the sender, as with credit card charge-backs.
  • Easy & Quick Transactions - Immediate Settlements: Purchasing real property typically involves a number of third parties (Lawyers, Notary), delays, and payment of fees. In many ways, the bitcoin/cryptocurrency blockchain is like a "large property rights database," says Gallippi. Bitcoin contracts can be designed and enforced to eliminate or add third party approvals, reference external facts, or be completed at a future date or time for a fraction of the expense and time required to complete traditional asset transfers.
  • Lower Fees: There aren’t usually transaction fees for cryptocurrency exchanges because the miners are compensated by the network (Side note: This is the case for now). Even though there’s no bitcoin/cryptocurrency transaction fee, many expect that most users will engage a third-party service, such as Coinbase, creating and maintaining their own bitcoin wallets. These services act like Paypal does for cash or credit card users, providing the online exchange system for bitcoin, and as such, they’re likely to charge fees. It’s interesting to note that Paypal does not accept or transfer bitcoins.

  • After you have gotten your
    "Personal Brand Cryptocurrency"
    up and running what are you going to do with it?

    Well we are so glad you asked? We are currently in
    the process of creating a Digital Wealth Building
    System that lives on the Cardano Blockchain that will
    put your new Native Cardano Asset to work in a big way.

    Explore the benefits of having your own
    Coins/Tokens/NFTs by Contacting Us Today.
    - QuantumDrive.io - Juan Jose Piedra -

  • Identity Theft: When you give your credit card to a merchant, you give him or her access to your full credit line, even if the transaction is for a small amount. Credit cards operate on a “pull” basis, where the store initiates the payment and pulls the designated amount from your account. Cryptocurrency uses a “push” mechanism that allows the cryptocurrency holder to send exactly what he or she wants to the merchant or recipient with no further information.
  • Access for Everyone:In fact, here are approximately 2.2 billion individuals with access to the Internet or mobile phones who don’t currently have access to traditional exchange systems. These individuals are primed for the Cryptocurrency market. Kenya’s M-PESA system, a mobile phone-based money transfer, and microfinancing service recently announced a bitcoin device, with one in three Kenyans now owning a bitcoin wallet. (Let me repeat that again. 1/3).
  • Decentralization: A global network of computers use blockchain technology to jointly manage the database that records Bitcoin transactions. That is, Bitcoin is managed by its network, and not any one central authority. Decentralization means the network operates on a user-to-user (or peer-to-peer) basis. The forms of mass collaboration this makes possible are just beginning to be investigated.
  • Recognition At Universal Level: Since cryptocurrency is not bound by the exchange rates, interest rates, transactions charges or other charges of any country, therefore it can be used at an international level without experiencing any problems. This, in turn, saves lots of time as well as money on the part of any business which is otherwise spent in transferring money from one country to the other. Cryptocurrency operates at the universal level and hence makes transactions quite easy.
  • MOST IMPORTANT. YOU OWN IT!:There is no other electronic cash system in which your account isn’t owned by someone else. Take PayPal, for example: if the company decides for some reason that your account has been misused, it has the power to freeze all of the assets held in the account. This can happen without consulting you (Trust me, this has happened to me). It is then up to you to jump through whatever hoops necessary to get cleared to access your funds. With cryptocurrency, you own the private key and the corresponding public key that makes up your cryptocurrency address. No one can take that away from you. (Unless you lose it yourself, or host it with a web-based wallet service that loses it for you).
  • FINAL THOUGHTS: Overall, the future appeal of cryptocurrencies lies in allowing you ultimate control over your money. This includes fast secure global transactions, and lower transaction fees when compared to all existing currencies. When used properly it will be the initiator of many emerging systems that will change our global economic system.

    (*)These points are from an excellent articel by: Ameer Rosi on Due.com - January 17th 2022 - Link Below.

QuantumDrive.io's Digital Wealth Building System Process!
While you are reading this and thinking about getting your own Crypto Coin/Token for your project we wanted to drop this in your mind to cook on the back burners of your brain.

I know right?... We have back burners?. Who Knew?

With your new "Personal Brand Cryptocurrency" and the program we are developing you will be able to increase your personal wealth using your crypto giving it away with our very cool program. Please keep that in mind and when we get our "Wealth Building System" up and running we will be able to plug you right into the system and away you go building your own personal wealth doing what you love to do! How Freaking Cool Is That?

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) concept was introduced in early 2016 by Christoph Jentzsch. It's a method of raising funds for projects through blockchain-based crowdfunding. The DAO created by Jentzsch became a significant success, raising around US$150 million from over 11,000 participants, making it the largest crowdfund at that time.

A DAO is characterized by its decentralized nature, autonomy, governance by smart contracts, and blockchain-based transactions.
Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement and Reward Systems!

Got Clarity DAO?
Here are some compelling reasons to
establish your Decentralized
Autonomous Organization (DAO)
on Cardano right now!

See Why QuantumDrive.io Chose Clarity!

"We Are Living In A New Age For Commerce With DAOs! Because of the changes in the Geo Political Landscape on the planet in today's world, people with great ideas will be able to prosper, mostly without limits, from the Controllers!"

-- Juan Jose Piedra

Here at QuantumDrive.io we believe that entrepreneurship is a critical driver of economic growth and a significant contributor to innovation. Entrepreneurs are individuals who are willing to take on significant risks to create something new and innovative, often starting their own businesses to bring their ideas to market.

By identifying gaps in the market and addressing unmet needs, entrepreneurs create value for consumers and society as a whole. The process of entrepreneurship involves not only the creation of a new business but also the development and execution of a business model, marketing strategy, and operational plan.

Corporations everywhere around the world are dying on the vine and the DAO will replace them all! And the Clarity DAO Community, is leading the way on the only truly secure blockchain on the internet. The Cardano Blockchain!

Entrepreneurship requires a unique set of skills and characteristics, including creativity, determination, and a strong work ethic. Entrepreneurs must be able to think outside the box, identify opportunities, and take calculated risks to achieve their goals. They must also be able to communicate their vision effectively, build a strong team, and manage resources efficiently. Successful entrepreneurs are often those who are able to adapt to changing market conditions, learn from their mistakes, and persevere in the face of adversity.

Entrepreneurship can be a rewarding career path, offering the potential for significant financial gains and personal fulfillment. However, it is not without its challenges and risks. Entrepreneurs must be prepared to work long hours, face uncertainty, and make difficult decisions. They may also face financial challenges, including limited access to capital and the need to generate revenue quickly to stay afloat. Despite these challenges, many entrepreneurs view the risks and challenges of entrepreneurship as an acceptable trade-off for the potential rewards, including the opportunity to build something new, create jobs, and make a positive impact on society.

Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement and Reward Systems.
Author: QunatumDrive.io / ARTICLE / 07/2024

Key Takeaways
A Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) and a Corporation are both organizational structures, but they have several very important key differences:
  • Ownership and Control: In a DAO, decisions are made collectively by the community of token holders through smart contracts. In a Corporation, decisions are typically made by a small group of shareholders or a board of directors.
  • Funding: DAOs are often funded through crowdfunding or token sales, while Corporations usually raise funds through share issuance or loans.
  • Regulation: DAOs operate in a decentralized and largely unregulated space. Corporations, on the other hand, are subject to various legal and regulatory requirements.
  • Transparency: DAOs are usually transparent and open-source, while Corporations can have varying levels of transparency.
  • Change of Control: In a DAO, control is distributed and can't be easily changed. In a Corporation, control can be changed through share acquisitions or board decisions.
  • Risk and Reward: In a DAO, rewards are typically tied to the performance of the DAO itself. In a Corporation, rewards are usually in the form of dividends or capital gains from share ownership.

Key Characteristics Of A DAO:
A DAO is commonly defined by these four characteristics:
  • Decentralized: DAOs are not controlled by a single entity or government.
  • Autonomous: The organization operates independently, without human intervention.
  • Governed by Smart Contracts: The rules and decisions are encoded in a computer program.
  • Blockchain-Based: The organization’s transactions and decisions are recorded on a blockchain.
A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) . . .

Is an organization that operates without a central authority, governed by a set of rules encoded in a computer program. This program, also known as a smart contract, is used to manage the organization’s decision-making process and finances through a blockchain.
-- QuantumDrive.io / Juan Jose Piedra"

Why Are Entrepreneurs Important?
Entrepreneurship is indeed a vital resource in production, along with land/natural resources, labor, and capital. Entrepreneurs identify opportunities, take risks, and mobilize resources to create value. They develop business plans, hire labor, secure financing, and provide leadership, ultimately contributing to economic growth and innovation.

The term "entrepreneur" originates from the French verb "entreprendre," meaning "to undertake." Classical and neoclassical economists often overlooked entrepreneurs in their models, assuming perfect information and rationality. It wasn't until the mid-20th century that economists like Schumpeter, Knight, and Kirzner began to formally incorporate entrepreneurship into economic theory, recognizing the importance of risk-taking and innovation.

The contributions of these three influential economists in shaping the theory of entrepreneurship. Joseph Schumpeter emphasized the role of entrepreneurs in driving economic development through innovation. Frank Knight focused on the entrepreneur's role in bearing uncertainty and the impact on risk premiums in financial markets. Israel Kirzner, on the other hand, viewed entrepreneurship as a process of discovering and acting upon opportunities, further enriching our understanding of this vital economic concept.

Today, entrepreneurs commonly encounter several significant challenges while building their companies. Among the most daunting are navigating bureaucracy, recruiting top talent, and securing financing.

The DAO Killed the Corporation! Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement & Reward Systems!

The DAO Killed the Corporation! Clarity DAO: A Leap Forward in Community Engagement & Reward Systems!

The Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) concept was introduced in early 2016 by Christoph Jentzsch. It's a method of raising funds for projects through blockchain-based crowdfunding. The DAO created by Jentzsch became a significant success, raising around US$150 million from over 11,000 participants, making it the largest crowdfund at that time.

A DAO is characterized by its decentralized nature, autonomy, governance by smart contracts, and blockchain-based transactions.

"This Matrix we live in is Broken! Humanity is
moving into the Age of Aquarius where Prosperity & Abundance Abound!"
"Stand In Your Sovereignty, Live Your Dreams NOW!"

-- Juan Jose Piedra

"If you don’t have a plan,
you become part of
somebody else’s plan."

-- Terrence McKenna

"Today's global shifts empower innovators
to flourish beyond conventional constraints
and power structures."
"Stand In Your Sovereignty, Live Your Dreams NOW!"

-- Juan Jose Piedra

We are QuantumDrive.io, partners with PowerProWeb.com and our attention to detail has gotten us a great reputation for achievng perfection. PowerProWeb.com's work has produced an estimated 100 million dollars for our clients over the last 30 plus years.


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