QuantumDrive.io Fun Fact
Countries Right NOW With National Cryptocurrencies! As of 2015
Crypto Currencies, Tokens, NFTs and DAOs are replacing Fiat Money and Corporate System Structure all over the world at an astounding rate! Don't miss the train as it is still at the station right now!
-- QuantumDrive.io / Juan Jose Piedra
- * Dubai (UAE) |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Emcash <|||
- * Venezuela |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Petro <|||
- * Estonia |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Estcoin <|||
- * Russia |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Crypytoruble <|||
- * Sweden |||> Cryptocurrency Name: E-Krona <|||
- * Japan |||> Cryptocurrency Name: J-Coin <|||
- ** Israel |||> Cryptocurrency Name: GoodDollar <|||
- **** Tunisia |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Dinar <|||
- **** Senegal |||> Cryptocurrency Name: eCFA <|||
- ***** Portugal |||> Cryptocurrency Name: CryptoEscudo (CESC) <|||
- ***** Deutsche |||> Cryptocurrency Name: eMark (DEM) <|||
- ***** Iceland |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Auroracoin (AUR) <|||
- ***** Spain |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Pesetacoin (PTC) <|||
- ***** Greece |||> Cryptocurrency Name: GreeceCoin <|||
- ***** Scotland |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Scotcoin <|||
- ***** Cyprus |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Aphroditecoin <|||
- ***** Ireland |||> Cryptocurrency Name: IrishCoin <|||
- ***** Oglala Lakota Nation |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Mazacoin <|||
- ***** China |||> Cryptocurrency Name: PBOC <|||
- ***** Netherlands |||> Cryptocurrency Name: eGulden (EFL) <|||
- ***** Singapore |||> Cryptocurrency Name: MAS <|||
- ***** Ecuador |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Sistema de Dinero Electrónico <|||
- ***** Kyrgyzstan |||> Cryptocurrency Name: GoldenRock <|||
- ***** Palestine |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Palestinian Pound <|||
- ***** Canada |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Maplecoin <|||
- ****** Iran |||> Cryptocurrency Name: Rial <|||
From March 2023 going forward there will be "The Mad Rush"
to get a Crypto wallet and learn how to use it for daily life.
This is going to be the new trend that turns into a lifestyle
for everyone on this planet.
Explore the benefits of having your own
Coins/Tokens/NFTs by Contacting Us Today.
- QuantumDrive.io - Juan Jose Piedra -
to get a Crypto wallet and learn how to use it for daily life.
This is going to be the new trend that turns into a lifestyle
for everyone on this planet.
Coins/Tokens/NFTs by Contacting Us Today.
- QuantumDrive.io - Juan Jose Piedra -
A Quick Word About QuantumDrive.io's Digital Wealth Building System Process & How NFTs will Supercharge Your Community Ecosystem!
While you are reading this and thinking about getting your own Crypto Coin/Token for your project we wanted to drop this in your mind to cook on the back burners of your brain.
After you have gotten your Digital Wealth Building System Process running smoothly we can then visit adding in some high profile NFTs to your system to cause even more growth in your Digital Coin/Token. There is no rush for this as you will be lining up all the neurons in your brain for the crypto experience and this will just be an easy step up from there.
** Published by Haaretz.com September 29 2021 Israeli Cryptocurrency Project Seeks to Lift Millions Out of Poverty
*** Published by ASEANBriefing.com April 04 2022 Philippines Central Bank to Launch Digital Currency Pilot Program
**** Published by BitcoinHub.co.za November 09 2017 A List Of Countries With National Cryptocurrencies
***** Published by cryptomorrow.com December 06 2017 Which Countries Run National Cryptocurrencies?
****** Published by cryptomorrow.com November 15 2018 Iran preps for its national cryptocurrency launch

Got Clarity DAO?
Here are some compelling reasons to
establish your Decentralized
Autonomous Organization (DAO)
on Cardano right now!
See Why QuantumDrive.io Chose Clarity!
Here are some compelling reasons to
establish your Decentralized
Autonomous Organization (DAO)
on Cardano right now!
See Why QuantumDrive.io Chose Clarity!
- Ownership and Control: In a DAO, decisions are made collectively by the community of token holders through smart contracts. In a Corporation, decisions are typically made by a small group of shareholders or a board of directors.
- Funding: DAOs are often funded through crowdfunding or token sales, while Corporations usually raise funds through share issuance or loans.
- Regulation: DAOs operate in a decentralized and largely unregulated space. Corporations, on the other hand, are subject to various legal and regulatory requirements.
- Transparency: DAOs are usually transparent and open-source, while Corporations can have varying levels of transparency.
- Change of Control: In a DAO, control is distributed and can't be easily changed. In a Corporation, control can be changed through share acquisitions or board decisions.
- Risk and Reward: In a DAO, rewards are typically tied to the performance of the DAO itself. In a Corporation, rewards are usually in the form of dividends or capital gains from share ownership.
- Decentralized: DAOs are not controlled by a single entity or government.
- Autonomous: The organization operates independently, without human intervention.
- Governed by Smart Contracts: The rules and decisions are encoded in a computer program.
- Blockchain-Based: The organization’s transactions and decisions are recorded on a blockchain.
A DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) . . .
Is an organization that operates without a central authority, governed by a set of rules encoded in a computer program. This program, also known as a smart contract, is used to manage the organization’s decision-making process and finances through a blockchain.
-- QuantumDrive.io / Juan Jose Piedra"